CT IEP Quality & CT-SEDS Trainings
Registration & Resources
These trainings, funded by the Connecticut State Department of Education and provided in partnership with PCG, SERC and the RESC Alliance will support the implementation of the new IEP and the Connecticut Special Education Data System (CT-SEDS) on July 1, 2022.

IEP Quality Training
This training is open to any educator and will be offered for the next 4 years to ensure plenty of opportunity for educators across the state to receive this training directly from CSDE.
CT-SEDS Expert Training
This training is currently offered to a small group of educators from each district; contact your Director of Special Education for details.
Dear Connecticut Educator, welcome to the CT-SEDS Training Registration page. There are two types of training that the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) is offering to support the implementation of the new IEP and the new CT-SEDS data system:
- IEP Quality Training – focuses on the CSDE expectations and characteristics of developing a quality IEP. This training is open to any educator and will be offered for the next 4 years to ensure plenty of opportunity for educators across the state to receive this training directly from CSDE.
- CT-SEDS Training – focuses on preparing designated district experts to orient and support existing and new staff on basic navigation and functionality of CT-SEDS, user resources, considerations for shifts in practices, and recommendations for rolling-out training and support in your district during the 2022-2023 school year. This training is only offered to a small group of educators from each district who will serve as experts to turnkey support and training on CT-SEDS for purposes of implementing the following data modules:
- Referral/Evaluation and Re-Evaluation
- IEP Process
- Section 504 Process
- Services Plan
- Progress Report
Only CT-SEDS expert teams will be provided access to the “help desk” when troubleshooting issues for colleagues within the district. If you wish to register for CT-SEDS, please see the registration link below. The training is 4 hours in length and will be conducted virtually. A Zoom link to join the training will be provided prior to the training date.
There are a limited number of seats allotted for each School District, Charter School, RESC, Magnet School, and APSEP. These seat allotments were previously communicated to each special education director.